Thursday, May 1, 2008

A blog about blogging

It took me a while to start blogging. The form seemed so different from everything I’d learned as a traditional print journalist that I was hesitant to begin. To test the digital waters, I took a few possible blog entries to my writing group to ask if they thought the items could be used as blogs.

I hadn’t even finished handing out the copies when Shanna, one of the group members, turned toward me from where she sat at the other end of the sofa and said, “They aren’t blogs.”

“They aren’t?” I asked, feeling defeated before I’d even begun.

“No,” she said, laughing. “They’re printed out.”

“Oh, right,” I said while smiling weakly and feeling like the technophobe I was.

Later, after the group finished reading my writings, Shanna assured me that the items could be used as blogs, which made me feel good, because Shanna is a digital diva with her own blog, so she knows what she’s talking about.

“They are?!” I asked with a smile on my face and feeling bloggin’ proud of myself.

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