Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Morning Pages

It’s 5:30 a.m. and I’m already writing. I like to get up early, before the world starts crashing in. I make a point to rise before my responsibilities, before I have to do anything.

I enjoy this time of the day when I’m not beholden to anyone because it’s then that I can just be me and write for the fun of it, write down whatever comes into my head. Free-association writing, morning pages, whatever you want to call it.

In some ways, I feel like I’m writing before I’m fully awake and, as a result, am able to tap into thoughts and feelings I might otherwise not have.

It’s at this time of day that I feel most like myself. My mind is clear, and I haven’t had to use keys or money, haven’t had to drive a car or talk.


Shanna Germain said...

That's my time to write too. Before the world comes crashing in.

Ok, so maybe not at 5:30. But you know...8 or so :)

Hurray, and welcome to the blog-o-sphere!

Best, s.

Karen F. said...

Nice first post! Being a free-lance writer has an interesting provenance, if you stop to think about it. At some point the lance-for-hire must have turned into a pen. Maybe that's when the pen became mightier than the sword?

beverly c said...

Funny to think how using keys or money - artifacts of society - distance one from ones inner self. Intriguing start to your blog!